South Lakes Boosters Club, Inc. is a volunteer-run organization that provides financial, advisory, and volunteer support to the South Lakes High School Activities Office and over 20 athletic teams at the high school.
Through our fundraising and volunteer efforts we liaise within and across the South Lakes High School and Reston communities with the goal of creating community connections to provide a broader and richer set of experiences for Seahawk student-athletes.
Funds are raised through membership, concession sales, spirit wear sales and corporate sponsorship; and subsidize facility improvements, new uniforms, equipment, investments in technology, student scholarships and coaches training.
Please join us…come have fun with us and lend your support! Become a member or a corporate sponsor, participate in our events, volunteer, buy spirit wear and visit the concession stands during home games and special events!
Booster club meetings are typically held the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7 PM in the Career Center. The May meeting is our annual meeting during which the election of officers will take place.
South Lakes Booster Club, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) corporation.